My Portfolio


Jargon is a subject-specific language tool for English language learners (ELLs). This app-based tool is targeted to high school students who are not fluent in English. Jargon is a tool that provides a vocabulary list of subject-specific terminology (or jargon) that is heavily context-based, and tends not to translate well using common speech translation. This differs from translators as, oftentimes, languages don’t translate one-to-one, which can be an issue when trying to understand subject specific terminology. Enter Jargon. This revolutionary app allows ELL students to access subject-specific terminology in their native language that has been accuracy-checked behind the scenes.

Jargon was developed in Harvard's CompSci 79: Design of Useful and Usable Interactive Systems by Jefferson Pereira, Sam Saba, and Ellie O'Hara. 



ReyCicla is a proposed business to address waste management issues in Reynosa, Mexico. The focus in recyclables in the initial stages responds to the lack of a broad, and comprehensive system that collects processes, and upcycles this waste sustainably (and legitimately) in the area. ReyCicla aims to reduce the environmental and health impact of informal landfills, empower the social base of Reynosa, specifically the scavengers, and directly confront the illicit activities of the Gulf Cartel and their financial reaping. ReyCicla is an attractive business plan because of the revenue and expansion possibilities. Revenue generated from our main operation will be sufficient to cover operating and capital expenses within the first year because of the 400 tons of recyclables produced daily with only one avenue of grant proposal necessary from NADB’s Community Assistance Program. In addition, there are many options for future expansion: corporate partnerships, recyclable remanufacturing, waste management, and energy extraction from gaseous outputs from the landfills.

ReyCicla was developed by Jefferson Pereira, Carlos Peña-Ortiz, Joriam Martinez, Samantha Saona, and Jordy Rodriguez in Harvard's GENED 1011: Contemporary Developing Countries: Entrepreneurial Solutions to Intractable Problems.  



ReyCicla is a proposed business to address waste management issues in Reynosa, Mexico. The focus in recyclables in the initial stages responds to the lack of a broad, and comprehensive system that collects processes, and upcycles this waste sustainably (and legitimately) in the area. ReyCicla aims to reduce the environmental and health impact of informal landfills, empower the social base of Reynosa, specifically the scavengers, and directly confront the illicit activities of the Gulf Cartel and their financial reaping. ReyCicla is an attractive business plan because of the revenue and expansion possibilities. Revenue generated from our main operation will be sufficient to cover operating and capital expenses within the first year because of the 400 tons of recyclables produced daily with only one avenue of grant proposal necessary from NADB’s Community Assistance Program. In addition, there are many options for future expansion: corporate partnerships, recyclable remanufacturing, waste management, and energy extraction from gaseous outputs from the landfills.

ReyCicla was developed by Jefferson Pereira, Carlos Peña-Ortiz, Joriam Martinez, Samantha Saona, and Jordy Rodriguez in Harvard's GENED 1011: Contemporary Developing Countries: Entrepreneurial Solutions to Intractable Problems.